Dramatical Murder Walkthrough

Here you go with my little Walktrough from Dmmd. DRAMAtical Murder, is a Japanese Boy Love visual novel developed and published by Nitro+CHiRAL. So yeah, Koujaku is Aoba's childhood friend. Tae-san was late at picking up Aoba from school and some of Aoba's schoolmates were picking on him because of his hair, Aoba was being teased for having some resemblance of a woman.

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< DRAMAtical Murder

DRAMAtical Murder | Table of Contents | Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  • Alignment: Ruff Rabbit
  • Blood type: B
  • Height: 179 cm (5' 10')
  • Birthday: June 13
  • Star sign: Gemini
  • Allmate: Usagimodoki

Noiz (ノイズ) is an undefeated player of the popular brain game Rhyme. Aoba first encounters him in the virtual world of Rhyme, where Noiz challenges an unwilling Aoba to a match which he subsequently loses. Being his first loss, Noiz becomes obsessed with obtaining a rematch to redeem his Rhyme record, going as far as to break into Aoba's room and hack into his Allmate to make sure he really did win the fight fairly. Noiz is the youngest of the main characters, being a few years younger than Aoba(Aoba being 23 and Noiz being 19), and is notable in appearance for his numerous piercings and bunny motifs.

Common Route[edit]

  • 振り払う (Shake her off)
  • 手品師? (Are you a magician?)
  • ガキか! (You brat!)
  • 屋根から何か音がした (I hear someone on the roof)
  • ちゃんと話をする (Talk it out)
  • ノイズに声をかける (Call out to Noiz)
  • 言いなりにはならない (Don't listen to him)
  • 我慢する (Be patient)
  • 先を急ぐ (Hurry inside)
  • ノイズの隣に並ぶ (Go up to Noiz)
  • クリアの名前を呼ぶ (Search for Clear)
  • 紅雀に近付く (Approach Koujaku)
  • ミンクに従う (Listen to Mink)
  • ノイズを思い浮かべる (Think about Noiz)
  • 水場に連れていく (Take him to water)
  • 気持ちを正直に伝える (Try and speak honestly)
  • 不満があるように見える (He looks unhappy)
  • 「はい」 ('Yes') for the first 6 questions



Bad End 1[edit]

  • やめても→「いいえ」 (Can I give up now → 'No')
  • 「はい」 ('Yes') for the remaining 3 questions
  • だめだから (Because it's no good)
  • まちがってるから (It's wrong)
  • すてきな世界 (A nice world)

Bad End 2[edit]

  • やめても→「いいえ」 (Can I give up now → 'No')
  • 「はい」 ('Yes') for the remaining 3 questions
  • だめだから (Because it's no good)
  • まちがってるから (It's wrong)
  • ほんとうのせかい (The real world)

Bad(?) End 3[edit]

  • やめても→「はい」 (Can I give up now → 'Yes')

Good End[edit]

  • やめても→「いいえ」 (Can I give up now → 'No')
  • 「はい」 ('Yes') for the remaining 3 questions
  • それじゃいけないから (Because you mustn't)
  • まだおわりのときじゃない (It's not over yet)
  • それをきめるのはじぶんじゃない (You don't decide that)
  • かんがえろ (Think about it)
  • それは… (That's...)

[Go to top]← Koujaku | Noiz | Mink →

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Next up is KOUJAKU! this lover boy is so fucking handsome! His smile actually made me scream! His seductive voice is soooooooooo sexy!
Koujaku's is older by some years to Aoba, but their age is quite near to one another so yeah...He's the leader of his group, BENI-SHIGURE, with his Allmate, BENI. A red sparrow who's attitude is quite the opposite of it's owner. He wears a red kimono with flower and bird patterns at the end of his sleeves. His abdomen is covered in bandages. He wears pants, so it's not a full traditional kimono, with boots. His bangs covers his right eye and he has a scar mark on the bridge of his nose. He's a lady killer! He hate's Rhyme, he's actually a RIBSTER.
His path:
Fight back
No way
I have to bear with this
Hurry Inside
Search for Clear
Listen to Mink
(there will be four other choices before the the MAIN QUESTIONS)

(after that type/choose)
(then another choice)

- just put the words randomly - make sure it's a wrong word or incomplete

So yeah, Koujaku is Aoba's childhood friend. Tae-san was late at picking up Aoba from school and some of Aoba's schoolmates were picking on him because of his hair, Aoba was being teased for having some resemblance of a woman. Koujaku then helped out Aoba thinking that the kid he saved was a girl, but truth to be told, Aoba was a guy and kinda depressed Koujaku but later on accepted the truth. His very close to Aoba, and even to Tae-san. Sometime, he invites himself to Aoba's place. He left Midorijima and went back before the timeline of the game. He knows Aoba pretty well and worries about him when things go wrong to him.
Koujaku cares for Aoba but sometimes, , it's hard to see whether if it was true or what 'cause Koujaku is always surrounded by beautiful women~
Koujaku came from a yakuza-like family and he happens to be the son of the head but his mother is just a mistress. When he left Midorijima, he actually went back to his hometown, where his clan resides. He's an acquaintance of Ryuho, the man who befriended Aoba and kinda bears the resemblance of Noiz. Koujaku was said to be very notorious and so, Ryuho was ordered to give Koujaku a tattoo which allows him to control the young lad. Koujaku ended up killing his mother (and I think even his father) and then came back to Midorijima. At first he acted very different but soon loosen up and returned to normal.
At the Opal Tower, Ryuho was like the main antagonist here. Ryuho used Koujaku's tattoo and manipulated him at the process. Koujaku went wild and ended up killing Ryuho. Aoba remembered Tae-san's advice and used SCRAP to Koujaku. Aoba saw a really big room, as he went through the doors, endless doors, he soon ended up with two young men, one with blond hair and the other with jet black. It then turned different as the man in black hair was covered with an unknown creature. Koujaku then showed up with a very different appearance. His black hair which is now most likely red and his eyes that's hard to identify, his whole body gone wild. Aoba used his full power/SCRAP to Koujaku and ended up with an illusion of them together, which is like what Koujaku wanted the most.
Failed to SCRAP Koujaku, the message was wrong and everything went wild. (I think) Toue took hold of Aoba and turned him back to his original form (refer from Aoba's past on Ren's route). Koujaku was kept by Aoba. Aoba takes good care of Koujaku since he can't speak normally and his mind has now turned totally twisted, he was tied/locked up. (I think) Aoba regretted that he failed SCRAPING Koujaku, since Koujaku's mind wanted them together, Aoba accepted it but in the process of it, he lost his mind and ended up on Toue's hands. Koujaku is now locked up in a prison like cell where Aoba visits him often.

Aoba successfully delivered the message to Koujaku, Koujaku then said the truth to Aoba about everything including his past and what he had always felt. After the Opal Tower crumbles, both of them were sent to the hospital. After their release, Koujaku spent his afternoon at Aoba's place. Tae-san went out for a while and Koujaku went to Aoba's room. He sat together with Aoba on the bed, held his hand, and spilled the beans. It's sooo cute when handsome men blush~ And so yeah, Koujaku then pushed Aoba to the bed and kissed him! and yeah, HAPPY H-SCENE~! Koujaku had a nosebleed while at it. I mean, I totally screamed when I heard Aoba's moans, it was so sweet and thank God, I didn't plugged my laptop to the speakers~

After some time, Aoba moved in to Koujaku's place where they live together. Different rumors came at this part. Some says that Aoba cut his own hair while some said that it was Koujaku who did it and it took him 2 hours to do it and ended up putting Aoba's hair inside a jar (fetish?). Well, whatever the case is, they live happily~! It was nice!


Dramatical Murder Reconnect Walkthrough

hmm...would it be weird if I say that Koujaku is my least favorite protagonist? hmm...well, he is hot but I really like Mink~! ahhhh~! So yeah, but more or less, I love his H-scene, his position was kinda weird at first but I started to like it, it was probably because I didn't see his d***.

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Dramatical Murder Walkthrough